Schlagwort: allgemein

This weekend, the first Model UN conference for our FAUMUN Blockseminar took place in Nuremberg. BlockMUN simulated the Peacebuilding Commission discussing the following topics: I.       Addressing the Impact of Climate Change on Peace and Security II.     Women, Peace, and Security: Endi...

Kategorie: Allgemein

This weekend, our FAUMUN Blockseminar took place. Starting off with learning the Rules of Procedure and writing their first Draft Resolution, the weekend also encompassed a speech training provided by FAUMUN alumnus Benjamin Klahr and a negotiation training. The FAUMUN Blockseminar is looking for...

Kategorie: Allgemein

Last weekend, some of our delegates joined us in Bamberg for BaMUN 2022. In collaboration with the Model UN projects of the Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg and the University Erfurt, two councils were simulated. While the UN Women council (left) discussed I. Women as Drivers of Economic Reco...

Kategorie: Allgemein