Come by next Thursday, July 13 at 6 pm, for our Q&A night via zoom!
Meeting-ID: 644 5842 9455
Kenncode: 626094
Zoom link:
After introducing Model United Nations, FAUMUN, our team and our programs, it is your turn to as...
Come by next Monday, July 10 at 7 pm, for our Q&A night at the Kollegienhaus (room 0.016) in Erlangen!
After introducing Model United Nations, FAUMUN, our team and our programs, it is your turn to ask us anything that you want to know!
Should you not be able to make it on Monday, we will a...
You want to become part of the FAUMUN Delegation 2024 to New York? Then this is your chance to send in you application documents until August 01 to
Here you find all specifications regarding your application.
Should you h...
Apart from participating at NMUN 2023, the FAUMUN Delegation also visited the German Mission to the UN, the European Mission to the UN and walked the halls of the United Nations themselves. The Closing Ceremony took place in the General Assembly Plenary Hall making the experience of Model UN even mo...
Attending the National Model United Nations Conference A in New York, the FAUMUN Delegation was awarded the Distinguished Delegation Award for representing the Argentine Republic in eleven committees, congratulations!
The Delegation engaged in the following committees:
General ...
In March, the FAUMUN Delegation spent a week in Berlin to meet national and international experts on diplomacy and to deepen their knowledge in Argentine foreign policy in preparation for representing Argentina at NMUN 2023 in New York.
The program included visits to the German Office of Foreign ...
This weekend, our Delegation underwent its negotiation training. The two seminar days were started off with getting to know the basics of negotiations and strategies supported by two party negotiations supported by multiple negotiation exercises. Day two was focused on multi-party negations and MUN ...
In January, our FAUMUN Delegation participated in EfMUN in Erfurt simulating three committees.
With one joint resolution per topic, the Security Council (upper row right, lower row left) successfully discussed both topics on the agenda, namely the situation in Afghanistan and the use of robust ma...