UN-SG António Guterres
Generalsekretär der Vereinten Nationen

Today, people around the world are inter-connected. Conflict, environmental destruction, poverty and injustice affect everyone. We have to work in common cause for our common humanity. All parents want a better life for their children. All religions value peace. All communities thrive when they value diversity.
At Model UN, you broaden your horizons. By learning and networking, you can be part of the UN’s efforts to establish peace, secure human rights and enable all people to live in dignity.
I have called for a surge in diplomacy for peace – and for a new emphasis on preventing conflicts. We are also working to improve living conditions everywhere through the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
In all these areas, we can benefit from your enthusiasm and your ideas. I hope you follow our social media accounts and stay fully engaged in your communities.
The United Nations stands with you as you stand up for our shared values.
Together, let us create a more compassionate, inclusive and peaceful world.
António Guterres
(source: NMUN Program 2017)