Charlotte Bassewitz | Head Delegate 2024/25
Charlotte is studying Education with English, Latin and German as her subjects. As a delegate in the FAUMUN 2024 NY Delegation she successfully represented Ecuador in the Security Council at EfMUN 2024, Turkmenistan in the General Assembly at BayernMUN 2024, and Japan in the Commission on the Status of Women at NMUN NY 2024. She is looking forward to mentoring the coming NY Delegation of 2025 as Head Delegate. Together with Maja, she will be responsible for guiding, mentoring and advising the delegates.

Maja Warlich | Head Delegate 2024/25
Maja is studying Computer Science with an emphasis on IT security. As a delegate in the FAUMUN 2024 NY delegation she successfully represented Bolivia in the ECOSOC at EfMUN 2024, Thailand in the General Assembly at BayernMUN 2024, and Japan in the General Assembly First Committee at NMUN NY 2024. She is looking forward to mentoring the coming NY Delegation 2025 as Head Delegate. Together with Charlotte, she will be responsible for guiding, mentoring and advising the delegates.
Former Head Delegates

Julia Klopsch | Head Delegate 2023/24
Julia participated as delegate in the FAUMUN project in 2022/23. She successfully represented China in the UNEA at EfMUN 2023 in Erfurt, Viet Nam in the General Assembly at BayernMUN 2023 in Nuremberg and the Argentine Republic in the UNHCR at NMUN 2023 in New York. As Head Delegate, she mentored the Delegation of 2024. Together with Kai, she was responsible for guiding, mentoring and advising the delegates. |

Kai Langer | Head Delegate 2023/24
Kai participated as delegate in the FAUMUN project in 2022/23. He successfully represented Gabon in the Security Council at BaMUN 2022 in Bamberg, Canada in the UNEA at EfMUN 2023 in Erfurt, Iceland in the General Assembly at BayernMUN 2023 in Nuremberg and the Argentine Republic in the General Assembly First Committee at NMUN 2023 in New York. He lead the New York Delegation of 2023/24 as Head Delegate together with Julia. He was responsible for guiding, mentoring and advising the delegates. |

Theresa Pfund | Head Delegate 2022/23
Theresa served as Head Delegate for the delegation 2022/23 together with Patryk and was responsible for guiding, mentoring and advising of the delegates after taking part in the 2020/21 FAUMUN delegation herself. She successfully represented the Republic of Singapore in the General Assembly at BayernMUN 2021 in Nürnberg |

Patryk Zielinski | Head Delegate 2022/23
Patryk served as Head Delegate for the delegation 2022/23 together with Theresa and was responsible for guiding, mentoring and advising of the delegates after taking part in the 2021/22 FAUMUN delegation himself. He successfully represented the Republic of Costa Rica in the Food and Agriculture Organization at NMUN 2022 in New York. |

Ioana Martin | Head Delegate 2021/22
Ioana served as Head Delegate for the delegation 2021/22 together with Anastasia and was responsible for guiding, mentoring and advising of the delegates. She studied medical image and data processing for her master´s degree and took part in the 2020/21 FAUMUN delegation. She successfully represented the Commonwealth of Australia in the General Assembly at BaMUN 2020 in Bamberg and the French Republic in the Security Council at BayernMUN 2021 in Nuremberg. |

Anastasia Karelskaya | Head Delegate 2021/22
Anastasia served as Head Delegate for the delegation 2021/22 together with Ioana and was responsible for guiding, mentoring and advising of the delegates. She studied political science for her master´s degree and took part in the 2020/21 FAUMUN delegation. She successfully represented the Russian Federation in the Security Council at BaMUN 2020 in Bamberg and at the General Assembly at BayernMUN 2021 in Nuremberg. |