Projektleiterin: Priya George
Beauftragte für den Inhalt: Caroline Dietrich
Head Delegates: Marina Bühler und Moritz Bergdolt
Barth, Raffael
During university there is often almost no opportunity to apply the theories you have learned to practical scenarios. FAUMUN changes that. It gives you the chance to test yourself and broaden your skillset and engage in something practical. It is a unique chance which should be appreciated as much as possible. You learn how to solve real problems by learning from past – including unfortunate – solutions others have found. This concludes what I am expecting – to improve myself as a negotiator, problem solver, political scientist. I am sure this will have a huge impact on my future. |
Beck, Janina
For me, the United Nations are an institution that looks strategically at the challenges today’s world is facing. It unites almost all the countries and tries to raise awareness for different global problems that cannot be tackled by one country on its own. Furthermore, the United Nations try to solve conflicts and bring countries together that otherwise might not be communicating at all. Although it does not have any real executive power, the United Nations are a powerful organization that has a very high symbolical value. Therefore, I consider the United Nations to be a very important actor in the area of world politics and international relations. |
Brosi, Tina
The United Nations serve to fight the negative aspects of globalization such as growing inequality, poverty or pollution, which need to be faced by a strong community. From my point of view, the United Nations is the most powerful instrument of our generation to solve these problems peacefully by guaranteeing basic human rights and sustainable resource utilization. The UN has a huge influence on our everyday life and takes care of everyone. FAUMUN could raise the awareness of our global community and the importance of working in a common sense within a group of different ethnicities and religious beliefs. The open-minded and respectful teamwork is a benefit each delegate can contribute to the university. |
Derleth, Felix
Uniting almost every country in the world, the United Nations are the most powerful instrument for international communication. Regarding the fact that almost every person in the world is represented by delegates in this institution, I consider the UN the only possibility to confront global challenges. Whether we need to find unity concerning a climate policy to prevent the ongoing global warming or support countries facing the refugee crisis, the United Nations offer their outstanding competence. I personally admire the diversity of capabilities used for problem solving processes, ranging from peaceful mediation in conflicts, military intervention in wars, food supply in case of nutrition shortages or the international court of justice. Within the time of proceeding globalization, the United Nations will even gain significance and importance. I expect FAUMUN to complement my technical field of studies with a political and social sphere of activity. By obtaining fundamental knowledge in global policy, I want to understand the mutual influence between political decisions, social needs and technical development. |
Dühr, Nick Carlo
Since the foundation of the United Nations Organization in 1945 there have been remarkable achievements in the fields of peacekeeping, humanitarian development, international collaboration and the securing of human rights as well as the law of nations. Over the past decades, the UN has developed into an indispensable institution, which is granted an increasingly important role in solving the current and upcoming global issues. There is an increasing need to take action for the younger generations. Therefore, we need well educated experts in these specific subjects with knowledge and skills in political procedures. From the program I expect to improve my negotiation and communication skills to handle complex situations under pressure and to work on interesting problems of high concern in a dynamic group.
Drosou, Konstantina
The United Nations is the most powerful institution worldwide to build a better world for everyone, everywhere. It is a global organization for global solutions, using diplomacy for preventing conflicts, protecting human rights, keeping and building peace and assisting people in need of help. Delegations of the whole world try to solve global issues and crises by joining their forces. FAUMUN gives the opportunity to highly motivated students of the FAU to expand their skills on diplomacy, international relations and negotiating. With my participation, I expect to gain an insight into real diplomacy and to have the chance to learn a lot from my interaction with the other motivated participants. |
Enßlin, Mona
To me, the United Nations is a symbol of cooperation and understanding across cultures. Through this platform people with vastly different backgrounds and perspectives can come together to discuss the world’s most pressing issues. By the promotion of human rights and development goals the UN sets global standards and fosters peace and justice around the world. Participating in FAUMUN, I want to learn more about current issues and see them from a completely different perspective than I would have done otherwise. I see FAUMUN as a platform for me to express my ideas, connect with like-minded people and discuss about the challenges we face in today’s world. It is a unique opportunity to step out of my comfort zone and to strengthen the skills I will need in my future career. |
Galster, Bernadette
The United Nations are the biggest association with the goal of international peace and equality. FAUMUN can give students an inside view on past and current peacekeeping and humanitarian work, and highlight the importance of diplomacy and international relations. The project offers the possibility to bring students from completely different fields of study together. It can help them broaden their point of view and think outside the box. The possibilities I will gain – especially in later working life – are huge and cannot be compared to anything else. In addition, this project will help me enhance my rhetorical and negotiation skills and I hope it will prepare me for a later function in diplomacy. |
Gloger, Nina
The economics faculty is relatively small and far off from the rest of the university in Erlangen. Hence I am looking forward to meeting students from all faculties and all semesters, each with a unique view on issues depending on their studies. Moreover, I expect to improve my presentation and negotiation skills. I’ve always followed UN news very closely and dreamed of a career in that field. I hope that FAUMUN will give me a better understanding of what work at the UN or any similar organization is actually like. But regardless of my career choices, the skills learned will always be valuable. Aspirations and work aside, I am looking forward to an interesting and challenging semester exchanging ideas with new people. |
Kaniewski, Lina
It is my goal in life to stand up for justice and peace and fight for human rights. To me, the United Nations is the embodiment of my beliefs and a symbol of hope for a better future. With its 193 member states it is not only the largest, but also the most influential guarantor for peace and justice in today’s society. It changes and saves uncountable lives every day and over time it became my dream to work for and support the most successful intergovernmental organization in the world. I believe that FAUMUN is a once in a lifetime opportunity to gain the needed insight and skills to professionally address global issues that I personally feel strongly about, such as gender equality and women’s rights. To me, FAUMUN is not only about getting to know the United Nations, it is mainly about getting to know yourself and your limits. |
Krammer, Katharina
In a globalized world, it is crucial to have frameworks and instruments to help countries with different goals work together. To find the best ways to sort out problems, each nation can benefit from the others’ experiences and contribute with its own knowledge within the United Nations. I applied to be a FAUMUN delegate to broaden my mind about diplomatic work and political issues. The program is a great possibility to gain detailed knowledge about problems, strategies and interests of countries in a diplomatic context. Moreover, the soft skills that will be acquired during the preparation for the conference can be practiced and applied at the conference. This will help strengthen the newly acquired competences, which are not only important for this program but will be adjuvant for my future personal and professional path. |
Lang, Alexandra
For me, the United Nations symbolize a global organization fighting for world peace, human rights and against injustice; this is of great value to me as well and my perception of how the world should be. I think it is impressive how this connection across borders, cultures and religions has existed for over 70 years and has managed to resolve different problems by using the power of words and communication. In my opinion, the UN is an important part of the global community as well as international friendship and cooperation which is why I am very happy to be part of the FAUMUN program and to be able to experience the UN from a whole new perspective. Being part of this project can open many doors and encourage me to seize new opportunities. |
Ludwig, Janina
For me personally, the UN is a sign that it is possible to overcome borders, may they be caused naturally or through religious or cultural beliefs, and work together as one to unite all nations. The United Nations are necessary to ensure we do not fall back into a nationalist system and to create a sense of unity. If we want to be able to tackle issues that threaten the world as a whole, we need to overcome our differences and offer help beyond our borders. We need to understand that a functioning global structure relies on the opportunities given to each and every human living on this planet. This is why I would like to experience first hand what it is like to do diplomatic work. I hope to get a greater understanding of global politics and gain a skillset that will help me in the future. |
Ruf, Elias
The founding members of the United Nations set themselves and humanity ambitious goals after living through two world wars: Maintaining international peace, protecting human rights, upholding international law and promoting sustainable development. 70 years later, these goals have not changed nor has the need for an intergovernmental organisation that deals with global crisis – quite the contrary. Current global challenges such as hunger, poverty and access to education require unprecedented international cooperation. Even though, the UN requires major reform to operate more effectively, I still believe that it is incredibly relevant and remains our best shot at a united world. |
Sandler, Jessica
The United Nations is one of the most important institutions in our globalized world, as its central mission is to maintain international peace and security. What I like most about the work of the UN is that it is trying to solve international problems by encouraging dialogue between nations. In a world with a lot of different cultures, values, languages and interests, a huge potential for conflict exists. A neutral institution, like the UN, helping to achieve common goals for a sustainable future is therefore essential to create a better world for everyone. FAUMUN is a unique opportunity to improve negotiation skills, learn how to deliver speeches and work efficiently in a team. All those qualifications are required in professional life and will be a huge advantage for the future career of FAU students. |
Schreiter, Markus
I value the United Nations for its claim to establish peace and equal rights globally. On the other hand, I would like to see improvements on fast unanimous decision-making processes and more commitment of all member states to ensure the law of nations. I applied to FAUMUN because this program offers me the chance to challenge myself in a new academic field. The project will shape characters, CVs and mindsets of students that will have an impact on their surrounding at the university and therefore change the academic life and culture. Due to my background, I have a solid knowledge of project management combined with both work and leadership experience. Therefore, I expect from myself to contribute to overall performance and outcome of the delegation with outstanding commitment and facilitation. |
Studtrucker, Maximilian
The UN was created as the single institution to cope global issues not only by considering economically and politically powerful nations but by involving representatives from all over the world. The effort to ensure human rights unites all nations and simply cannot be accomplished by any single actor on its own. To me, especially when facing international conflicts and wars, the UN is the single most capable organization ensuring global peace and providing principles of diplomatic measures. Bringing together people from different countries with different skill sets, interests and social backgrounds in order to discuss issues is fundamental to any institution to evolve and progress. This very fact and the opportunity to directly apply learnings made in theory by engaging in the different events on an international level is what makes the FAUMUN program so unique. The distinguished learning environment enriches the FAU’s educational portfolio and positively contributes to the university’s outward appearance. |
Werner, Julian
In times of globalization and a connected world, issues are becoming increasingly multi-national. The UN provides a basis for international cooperation, leading to a more efficient solution of existing problems. For me, the UN is a glimpse at what a united world could look like in the future. FAUMUN can highlight the work, goals, and impact of the United Nations. The project can spark interest into an otherwise barely known subject. Also, by being a team of students of various majors and fields of study, it allows the participants to broaden their horizon and get out of their daily routine of only studying one topic. |
Wegener, Paul Moritz
For me personally, the United Nations is a chance for the international community of nations. It is a place where all countries come together and where they can talk and collaborate for a peaceful world. The hitch is to find a compromise which suits all. In my opinion, the project is impressive. Diplomacy is one of the fields of politics, in which I am really interested. Moreover, it helps me understand international politics in practice. Another point is the chance of improving my English and my abilities in negotiating. |
Weyers, Luisa
By enabling students to participate in international conferences such as the Model United Nations in New York, the university provides us with the opportunity to meet young people from all around the world and to develop relationships that will have an impact on how we see the world. After the conference we will bring those experiences to the university and it will change the way how we learn and interact with other students and teaching staff. In my participation I see a chance to achieve skills that will be very helpful for my future career as a lawyer. Public speaking as well as negotiation skills are very important in legal everyday life. It is my goal to work for the Auswärtige Amt as a diplomat one day and this experience will hopefully give me some insights into the life and especially the work of a diplomat. I also hope to meet many bright and like minded people and form relationships that will last for long, even after the project is over. |