Saudi-Arabien 2014/15
Projektleitung: Oliver Burger, Alexander Hoeppel
Delegationsleitung: Samir Kheir, Nicko Valdez
General Assembly First Committee (GA 1st) |
Sophie Oerter
(21, Rechtswissenschaften)FAUMUN promotes the internationality of the FAU as the university makes an appearance in an international context. I am even more impressed with the interdisciplinarity of this project which is playing a part in contributing to thinking outside the box of the own studies and to examine problems from different angles and points of view. |
Fabian Kosider
(22, Wirtschaftswissenschaften)Apart from being part of a big network with students from all over the world, it’s development what I except from my participation. To develop myself and my character with important skills. To learn some techniques in self-reflection. To recognize my faults and to improve myself. |
General Assembly Second Committee (GA 2nd) |
Burcu Sahin
(23, International Business Studies)Acting in an international environment is a premise in a world that is getting more and more global. In FAUMUN I see the milestones for my future personal and professional life. Through this project I can acquire exceptional communication and negotiation skills, have an in depth insight in the functioning of the UN and develop great teamwork skills. |
Benedikt Moeller
(23, Wirtschaftswissenschaften)I cannot think of a better opportunity to make a good impression in the name of our university. It has to be our ambition to continue the success story of past delegations of the FAU in order to strengthen the reputation and recognition of our university. |
General Assembly Third Committee (GA 3rd) |
Tina Hahn
(24, Development Economics) |
Michael Heinzelmann
(26, Politikwissenschaften mit Schwerpunkt Öffentliches Recht)For me the project could be another great chance to extend my knowledge, intensify existing and adapt new skills. It furthermore certainly is the opportunity to broaden my personal network, to get to know new interesting people with different backgrounds and different ideas for solutions for different kinds of challenges. |
Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations (C-34) |
Fabienne Dietzsch
(24, Psychologie)FAUMUN is an opportunity to bring students of different subjects together who are following one common objective. It`s a possibility to represent our university externally on the one hand and to promote the interest for politics within the student community on the other hand. |
Valentin Garbe
(21, Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen)FAUMUN will interconnect the University both internally, by bringing people from different courses of study and bachelor programs such as Erasmus together, and externally, by giving an opportunity to meet students from other universities at the MUN Conferences. It most importantly enhances the cultural exchange among us students, which for me was one of the most important reasons to apply for FAUMUN. |
Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ) |
Corinna Hausner
(25, Sozialökonomik)I’m curious what FAUMUN will be like but I expect a lot of work to do and also new interesting knowledge, new ways of thinking and thrilling debates. |
Richard Endörfer
(20, Politikwissenschaften mit Schwerpunkt Öffentliches Recht)The FAUMUN Project had a lot of success the past few years and made a big impact on the university. Every international project in the university – may it be a little one or as big as FAUMUN – that brings the Name of Friedrich von Bayreuth and Karl Alexander to the world out there is responsible for the image and the impression that the group makes in the end. I am truly convinced that we are able to continue with the success of the last years by working together in a great team. |
Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) |
Iroda Karimova
(27, North American Studies)FAUMUN is a nice opportunity to represent the University in an international arena, it’s a great chance to improve my skills on public speaking and communication. It’s a great challenge and also motivation and inspiration for my future career. |
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) |
Linda Hong
(19, International Business Studies)In my opinion, the FAUMUN project represents a good and unique possibility to strengthen my leadership skills. Furthermore, I have a first insight in the diplomatic field of work, which surely supports me in my future professional decisions. |
Oliver Straub
(23, Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen)Offering Model United Nations shows FAU students what is still to be discovered beyond Erlangen and Germany. Attending the conference in NYC can be considered as a platform to further promote and represent the FAU as an internationally renowned university on an international stage. |
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) |
Franziska Gleiche
(22, International Business Studies)I think that FAUMUN has both an inside and an outside impact for the FAU. Concerning the former, I am convinced that the interdisciplinary exchange among participants is not only a valuable experience for ourselves as participants, but it brings the whole university closer together and encourages further exchange between fellow students and faculties. Concerning the latter, communicating FAUMUN is an excellent opportunity for strengthening the university’s profile on national and international level. |
Florian Ammon
(25, Maschinenbau)FAUMUN improves the international awareness and reputation of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität. In addition, FAUMUN increases the interdisciplinary communication and teambuilding inside the FAU and with the participating Universities. |
UN Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN WOMEN) |
Melanie Flennert
(23, Wirtschaftswissenschaften)For me, FAUMU is a unique project which will strengthen both the cultural understanding and the personal development. On the one hand, I will broaden my horizon, learn how to understand different point of views, I will get different insights into completely different cultures and on the other hand, I will develop my skills, I will get insights into political work, and I will struggle within an ambitious team for a great goal. I applied for this project in order to challenge myself, to work hard and learn new, interesting things, to struggle for a great goal and thus prove to myself that I am able to master such great challenges. |
Mena Mokammel
(22, Wirtschaftsrecht)For me, the United Nations is an international humanitarian Organization that follows the aim of uniting people from all over the world by creating a mutual understanding among nations. Engaging in social, political and economic issues is a key action in order to improve the environment that we are part of.
Living together in a diverse culture is not effortless and even in the developed Western World, discrimination is a current topic. It is therefore even more important to introduce projects like FAUMUN that promote the understanding of different cultures and mindsets.
I believe that Model United Nations is providing a huge learning opportunity to students all over the globe. I enjoy working in a team with different characters and nationalities since it teaches you so much about others and yourself. |
Human Rights Council (HRC) |
Alexandra Witzsch
(21, Theater-und Medienwissenschaft und Ökonomie)I applied for FAUMUN because I already took part in two MUNs and it was a great experience, It seems like the entire project offers a lot of life changing opportunities, for example meeting interesting people and working intensively on your individual soft skills. |
Dominik Winkel
(20, Wirtschaftsmathematik)I expect to improve myself and to help others to improve themselves in several subjects on our way to NMUN. |
World Food Programme (WFP) |
Rebecca Kirsche
(21, Sozialökonomik)I believe the FAUMUN is a great chance for me to develop skills on a practical basis and to build relationships and connections. I am excited about experiencing intercultural exchange, about getting an insight into the workflows of the United Nations and about sharing these experiences with my fellow students. |
Torben Landskrone
(24, Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen)Being surrounded by students who share the same opinions as me, but even more by those who don’t, I hope to make extraordinary experiences in terms of compromising and broaden my horizon. Furthermore I expect an inside view on international politics and first impressions of the complexity of a diplomats work. |
Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference (NPT RevCon) |
Elisa Brocksieper
(19, Deutsch-Französisches Recht)I expect having a great and very intense time in this program. I would like to meet new and interesting people and especially tackle debates. Furthermore I want to improve my linguistic skills and a more confident appearance. The program seems to give me all of that and I hope to have a great year. |
Adam Spychala
(25, Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen)I applied for this project to improve my English speaking discussion and social skills. This project could be one of the best preparations for my future job. |