The 2021/22 Delegation of the FAU representing Costa Rica

Projektleitung: Dorothe Karbe und Andreas Schlichting
Head Delegates: Anastasia Karelskaya und Ioana Martin
Bärwinkel, Lena
In our interconnected world today, there are problems that affect everyone, regardless of their nationality. Those problems can only be solved through international cooperation. To me, the United Nations Organization represents the efforts made by the different countries to work together and overcome their differences to solve shared problems. This example of international diplomacy has produced numerous success stories in the past. As the number of UN member states rises and the international system is getting more complex, the need for diplomacy and worldwide cooperation increases. Therefore I believe that the existence of the UN is essential for the continued peace and security of our ever-evolving international system. |
Bechtler, Sara
My parents used to travel a lot with me, starting when I was quite young. This way I got to know different cultures and nations with their traditions quite early. Both my parents are teachers; therefore, I grew up with acknowledging how important education is. When traveling, I learned that not everyone can enjoy the benefits of a proper education –even if they would like to. Especially in this context, the UN means much to me as it fights to improve education all over the world and to make it accessible to everyone. Furthermore, I grew up in a safe environment without ever having to worry about food, medicine, etc. but I’ve always known that I was privileged to grow up like this. I hate the fact that so many people, especially innocent children, all around the world are suffering while others do not have to worry about basic things like food. Knowing that the United Nations Organization is spreading awareness of these problems and trying to fight them in the best possible way has therefore always been a calming thought.
Bernáth, Leon
The United Nations Organization is a symbol for human collaboration. It shows that we as a species are able to come together and settle our arguments, our conflicting interests peacefully. I think, that also the non-symbolic, very real impact of the UN is important and leads to a better world in general, as this is an institution where all countries come together, which is needed for global issues, like climate change, nuclear demilitarization, a global pandemic, natural disasters, or the global economy.
Even if, as often, no agreement can be obtained, the communication of the different parties alone results in understanding the adversary better, and thus unconsciously including them in future considerations.
I find it quite interesting, that at the UN there is politics without real democracy. So, the will of the people has to be even less involved in the decision-making process. This means that the decisions could be more orientated at the scientific models and predictions but also that the representatives only decide with the goals of their organization in mind, not the goals of the people.
Gast, Janik
Cooperation is the first word that springs to mind when thinking about the United Nations Organization. I associate the United Nations with a unique international institution that facilitates international cooperation like no other international organization can. With 193 member states, the United Nations Organization is the world’s largest international institution.
This high number of member states gives the UN’s decisions a unique universal legitimacy that is supported by almost all states in the world. For me, the United Nations, by virtue of its size alone, are the most important international institution for addressing the world’s pressing problems, for instance, climate change, poverty, or even difficulties in International Relations like the current political situation in Afghanistan. In conclusion, the existence of the United Nations Organization is inevitable to create a functioning multilateralism. |
Hikele, Sarah
My first contact with the work of the United Nations was in a Proseminar class. It was about “International Migration law”, in which I quickly became interested in the different treaties about human rights and the different committees which were established because of them. Therefore, I spend a lot of time with the treaties the UN wrote and wanted the states to sign and ratify. To my surprise, Germany did not sign the Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Family. While researching I learned about the importance of the work of the UN and their constant striving to maintain international peace, develop friendly relations among nations and achieve international cooperation in solving international problems. This is a Herculean task, which inspires me to learn more about the UN including their conflict resolution techniques.
Kaufmann, Sophie
In my opinion, the United Nations represent one of the most powerful tools of our modern international society for communication and cooperation between member states and other international actors. They are a symbol of our globalized and interconnected world where each member can actively impact and help to improve the UN in order to address the challenges of the 21st century. By negotiating and creating solutions for existing conflicts and problems, offering access to basic needs and hope for people in difficulties as well as creating a sustainable future for following generations, the UN provides solidarity and support for people all around the world. Therefore, it is very important that we embrace and actively use the opportunities the UN provides to impact and design the international system, as it benefits everyone. |
Kenzhebek, Adylbek
For me, the UN is one of the most powerful institutions of our generation, and so far, it has achieved many big accomplishments in developing close cooperation between states, promoting human rights, ending conflicts, and delivering humanitarian aid. It is a benchmark of peace that offers the unique opportunity of bringing countries closer together, encouraging them to come to compromises instead of conflicts. However, the UN is not without its challenges. That was one of the reasons I decided to apply forFAUMUN and took courses like “Organization of International System” and “Power, Order, and Institutions” because I wanted to acquire more knowledge and gain a deeper understanding of a complex system. |
Leonhardt, Sofie
The United Nations Organization represents international collaboration on a global scale; The UN has the power to shape the political, environmental, and social future from the perspectives of numerous countries, economies, and diverse cultures. |
Lindemiller, Sophia
In my opinion, the UN is the major organization keeping peace in the world and therefore I admire the UN and their work in general. For me, the UN stands for equality, freedom, human rights, and giving help to people in need. Those are values I am trying to stand for in my daily life.
One aspect of the UN, I find quite important is all the help the UN provides for various emergencies all over the world. The UN delivers humanitarian aid to people who became victims of natural and man-made disasters. The Office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs (OCHA) coordinates all responses to emergencies to send immediate help wherever it is needed. I tremendously admire the people working in OCHA who have the inner strength to decide where to send much-needed help knowing at the same time, that there are never enough funds, equipment, or personnel to help in every emergency. |
Manger Moscoso, Lea
For me, the United Nations Organization is a unique and impressive yet challenging opportunity for all countries to benefit from collective decisions and from joint organs. It symbolizes the will to unite and work together and solve conflicts on an international basis. It’s remarkable that nearly every country participates in building a community of states, although they differ to a various and great extent from each other. All those different needs and goals are addressed in various principle and non-principle organs and have already been partially achieved in many countries. Whether accomplishing the latest 17 UN goals or, for example, deploying humanitarian aid and military observers to countries in need. The UN is the right place to address those needs because often they cannot be solved by single countries. Since all humans reside together on earth, we all must face responsibility as global citizens to help one another, bring peace to one another and protect those who are not able to. (As nations as well as individuals.) |
Müller-Walia, Nicole
To me, the United Nations Organization symbolizes the concept of dialogue. I do realize that, beyond the obvious difficulties in finding suitable solutions and ways of adequate communication in a body that encompasses representatives from almost the entire globe, the organization has many flaws and a wide range of issues – criticism of such large and prominent institutions is appropriate and necessary. However, when I think of the UN I also think of opportunities: opportunities to work together for great causes such as delivering humanitarian aid and strengthening human rights, opportunities to test the normative power that has been bestowed upon the UN’s institutions and an opportunity to communicate about important issues on an international level. Having a huge number of people taking part in such a dialogue might often lead to inefficiency and a need to compromise on the lowest common denominator, but there is a discourse that almost every state has the chance of taking part in and I believe that this in itself holds great value. |
Ndoping, Michelle
To me, the United Nations Organisation means hope and progress. It signalises me, that despite the many overwhelming challenges we face, the UN has the will, courage, and resources to take them on and improve lives. They act as a force of global guidance that exists with and beyond nations and their cultures and puts humanity first. Compared to past events of the 20th century and the climate the world was in around the time of the establishment of the UN in 1945, today’s progression is visible and gives me reason to believe that with forces like the UN, great things are achievable.
We live in an age where the most important and pressing problems cannot be solved by a single nation or group, so it is necessary to come together to create a space for productive discourse and problem-solving. The UN gives life to the values and aspirations I carry in me and it works towards realizing them on a larger scale. |
Raschke, Niklas
For me personally, the UNO is a place where states and the people behind them can interact with each other in order to collaborate by understanding and bringing together many different interests and opinions. The UN also stands for peace and political stability, as well as representation and even promotion of political and civil rights internationally. In the international community of states, the UN acts in a stabilizing and peace-promoting way exemplary by often taking the role of an arbitrator in conflicts. Its tasks are not restricted to political issues, furthermore, the goals are to establish better healthcare, clean water, economic growth, and environmental protection worldwide. Some issues, like the climate crisis, need to be viewed from a global perspective and of course need to be dealt with internationally. The UN is the right place to address such all-encompassing challenges. Due to that, I think the UN has a crucial part in solving big humanitarian problems, as well as supporting the stability of societies around the world.
Sommer, Julius
In my opinion, the United Nations is one of the most important institutions in international policy, as almost every nation in the world is represented. They offer a forum for exchange and thus promote multilateralism instead of nationalism. They encourage building up international relations to maintain peace, one of the main goals of the UN. On the way to achieving equity, the implementation of human rights into the core values of the UN was critical. Additionally, specialized agencies within the UN are working in a broad field (health, children, hunger etc.) to improve life quality. Although we might not often notice the results of UN policy in our daily life, much effort was made, and many cornerstones were achieved (e. g. eradication of smallpox). From my perspective, the UN will be even more important in the future, because global issues like climate change or the pandemic need to be mastered within the international community. |
Thullner, Cäcilia
Formed as a body promoting world peace and global exchange the United Nations Organization is now the largest forum of countries in existence coming together to confront a broad variety of challenges of our time. During the CoVid-19 pandemic, the work of the WHO, in particular, has immensely helped the situation of everyone, especially in developing countries. Through this framework, not only those worsened and worsening situations directly connected to public health and thus to the work of the WHO were continuously awarded the attention of those working together to better the lives of every single one of us.
Climate change will be the next issue of immense proportions requiring a solution of global dimensions too, which makes it crucial that we as the future generation of leaders work together to get more political recognition for the important work and progress made through diplomats under the roof of the United Nations Organization.
It is in the light of these challenges that I understand this kind of intergovernmental cooperation as one of the biggest conveyors of hope for future generations. |
Vetter, Franka
The issues of today are becoming more urgent, more complex and most of them are impossible to be solved by one state alone. Even if there are aspects about the UN that are controversial and in need of reform, it represents a glimmer of hope to me. It is the only organization where all states of the world gather to work on solutions and where, at least in the General Assembly, all countries have the same power. Cooperation on an international level is the only way issues such as climate change, diseases and wars can be solved and therefore, the importance of the UN is growing constantly. Apart from this, it is often overlooked that the UN is the head organization of a variety of other funds, programs and institutions like for instance the IPCC, the WHO or UNICEF. All of them play a considerable part in changing the world for the better. |
Weiß, Helen
In my opinion, the United Nations Organization connotes the cooperation of the world community in international conflicts and affairs. The United Nations enforce international unity through the provision of opportunities for international discussion, international solution finding, international action. The United Nations’ decisions, therefore, demonstrate the ability of different countries and cultures to compromise and overcome difficulties. The United Nations Organization is a vital part of world politics that transcends individual nations to work towards a peaceful, equal, and just world. The principles of debate, compromise and making the world a better place are qualities I greatly admire about the United Nations Organization. The involvement of 193 countries and the influence of the United Nations and its agencies are unique and, apart from the EU, represent the greatest political achievement of the 20th century. |
Zielinski, Patryk
The United Nations Organization is a keeper of peace and security around the world. It’s a platform that enables all nations to make their voice visible and try to solve conflicts without the use of military might. It’s a pillar against injustice that helps the vulnerable and the unheard. Thanks to its numerous organs it supports not only crisis regions that are affected by events such as wars or famines, but it also tries to develop poor regions. The UN gives its best to provide children with education, no matter their gender, which is one of the most important tasks it has. Only through education is it possible for those countries to escape from their poverty and to open a way for a functioning democratic government. |