Presenting our Delegation of 2021/22

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The Delegation - First Meeting

We proudly present our Delegation of 2021/22 that will represent Costa Rica at the National Model UN in New York in April 2022!

Here you can find more information about each delegate: Costa Rica 2021/22 › FAUMUN

The Delegates could already spend some time together! At the beginning of the semester, we had organized our First Meeting (Get-to-know Event) and the Delegation Day (Team Building) events. Here are a few impressions:



After our team-building events, we went straight into MUN content sessions. The Delegates have already had introductions to the general concept of Model United Nations, on how to write Position Papers and Resolutions, and on the Rules of Procedure.

In about one week, the Delegates will participate in their first conference, the MiniMUN in Erlangen. At this conference, we will simulate a General Assembly together with our friends from Bamber University (BaMUN) and the Laurentius-Gymnasium Neuendettelsau (LauMUN).